2024-02-28 09:56      审核人:





职称: 副教授

研究专长方向: 射频微波电路设计


[1] Design of dual-band bandpass filter with multiple transmission zeros using transversal signal interaction concepts IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 通讯作者 (SCI)

[2] G-band sub-harmonic mixer with broadband bandwidth and low conversion loss. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 第一作者 (EI)

[3] Design of wideband bandpass filter with high and wide stopband rejection using asymmetrical loaded stepped-impedance resonator. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. 第一作者 (SCI)

[4]Transversal wideband bandpass filter with a wide stopband and multiple transmission zeros. ETRI Journal. 通讯作者 (SCI)

[5] Compact tri-wideband bandpass filter with multiple transmission zeros. ETRI Journal. 第一作者 (SCI)

[6] Dual-/tri-band bandpass filter with fully independent and controllable passband based on multipath-embedded resonators. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. 第一作者  (SCI)

[7] Dual-wideband bandpass filter with independently controllable center frequencies and wide stopband. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2018.  第一作者 (SCI)

[8] Using intrinsic zero to notch satellite signals in UWB filter. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologie. 第一作者 (SCI)

[9] Design of switchable and reconfigurable semi-lumped wideband bandpass filter, ETRI Journal, 2017. 第一作者 (SCI)

[10] Design of independently tunable dual-band filter with high selectivity and compact size using multipath propagation concept. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 通讯作者 (EI)

[11] Design of compact transversal wideband bandpass filter with wide upper stopband. Progress in Electromagnetics Research M.通讯作者 (EI)

[12] Ultra-compact bandpass filter with super wide upper stopband. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 第一作者 (EI)

[13] Design of dual-band bandpass filter with closely spaced passbands and multiple transmission zeros. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 第一作者 (EI)

[14]. A High Order 200 GHz Waveguide Bandpass Filter. 2023 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology. 第一作者

[15]. Design of G-band Radial Power Combiner. 2022 IEEE 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation. 第一作者

[16] 一种低插入损耗的180 GHz腔体滤波器. 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 第一作者 (中文核心)

[17] 基于空间映射的Ka频带带通滤波器设计. 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 第一作者 (中文核心)


1. 宽带低变频损耗太赫兹混频器,授权号:ZL202011190645.8.

2. 非对称SIR加载的宽阻带抑制宽带带通滤波器,授权号:ZL201910944718.9,



5. H面波导/微带探针转换装置,授权号:ZL 202111278164.7.

6. 横向信号干扰宽带滤波器,授权号:ZL202110730539.2.

7. 均匀圆阵列综合孔径辐射计亮温反演成像方法,授权号:ZL202010233551.8.